On December 15, the United Nations Environment Programme awarded the 2020 earth guard Youth Award to seven scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and activists under the age of 30. Ren Xiaoyuan, a young Chinese engaged in the protection and purification of rural water resources, won the award.
Ren Xiaoyuan, 29, initiated the establishment of myh2o China water quality map platform. This data platform detects and records the groundwater quality of 1000 villages in China. All data is entered into the app, which allows residents to know where clean water is available. The platform also aims at educating and popularizing villagers, helping them understand the knowledge of pollution sources, etc., and connecting villages with drinking water companies.
The executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, inger Arnold, said that young people are leading the trend around the world, calling for decisive and effective solutions to the triple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution. "We have to listen to young people. As we enter the "decisive decade" of the fate of the planet, we urgently need to work to reduce carbon emissions and protect ecosystems. These young guardians are proving to us that all can contribute to starting from where we are and taking off with our existing solutions. "
In addition to Ren Xiaoyuan, the other six winners were: enzambi Marty, a Kenyan materials engineer who is committed to making plastic waste and sand into sustainable and low-cost building materials; vidyut Mohan, an Indian who develops equipment to convert crop waste into fuel, fertilizer and activated carbon; and leftali, a Greek, who recycles waste plastic from the sea and makes them into socks, swimsuits and other commodities S. arapakis; max. kunto, a Peruvian who specializes in the development of portable wind turbines; nellia Garcia, an American who coordinates the annual "run for salmon" campaign with indigenous communities; and Fatima zalzalzala, a Kuwaitis, who launched a non-profit recycling program.
The earth guard Youth Award, established in 2017, is an important initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme to involve young people in addressing the world's most pressing environmental challenges.
Source: China Environment