It is an irresistible law that the harm of human beings to nature will eventually hurt human beings. The willful and reckless actions of some American politicians not only go against the will of the American people, but also damage the common interests of the people of the world and future generations
On November 4, 2019, the U.S. officially started the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on climate change. In accordance with the relevant provisions on the withdrawal of the treaty, the United States formally withdrew from the Paris Agreement on November 4 this year, becoming the only one among 189 contracting parties to withdraw so far. This is an ignominious record, and its harmfulness has aroused the high vigilance of the international community.
The Paris Agreement is known as "a bright pearl" among the major achievements of multilateralism in recent years, and represents a broad international consensus on global climate governance. The United States is the largest emission country in the history of the world and the largest cumulative greenhouse gas emission country in the world. A big country should have a big appearance, should assume the responsibility of a big country and show its responsibility. What's more, in 2017, the United States emitted 14.6 tons of carbon dioxide per capita from fossil fuels, which was 3.3 times the global average level. Therefore, the United States should shoulder greater responsibility for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. However, the United States, which always claims to be a "force for good", has repeatedly abandoned its commitment to neither ratify the Kyoto Protocol nor withdraw from the Paris Agreement. It denies its binding obligation of quantitative emission reduction and is completely divorced from the global emission reduction system and arrangement, thus seriously hindering the process of global emission reduction.
On the issue of climate and environment, some American politicians do not mind to label their country as "faithless". As a state party to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, the progress of greenhouse gas emission reduction in the United States has fallen behind expectations. The United States has refused to fulfill its climate action target commitment of "reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 26% - 28% by 2025 on the basis of 2005". What's more, according to the statistics of the New York Times, the current U.S. government has directly or in other ways revoked nearly 70 major environmental policies since taking office, and more than 30 are in the process of revocation, which is expected to greatly increase the number of deaths caused by greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in the United States. Andrew Steele, President of the World Resources Institute, criticized the US side's "very short-sighted" behavior as "cruelty to future generations". According to an article published on the website of world political review, the "ostrich policy" of the United States in the field of climate change embodies that "the United States has become an irresponsible stakeholder".
Some American politicians play the role of "consensus breaker" and "trouble maker" in the multilateral environmental field, stepping on the accelerator to reverse, which has greatly damaged the fairness, efficiency and effectiveness of global environmental governance. The United States has "signed but not ratified" a number of environmental treaties such as the Convention on biological diversity and the Kyoto Protocol, which highlights its unilateralist mentality of not being bound by international environmental treaties and evading its international responsibilities. The United States has not only defaulted on the United Nations Convention to combat desertification and the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, but also substantially reduced or cut off its contributions to the global environment facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which has greatly weakened the financing capacity of relevant mechanisms to developing countries and constrained global climate and environmental cooperation. Although the United States announced its "withdrawal", it continued to disturb the negotiations on the follow-up issue of the Paris Agreement without reason. Due to the negative position of the United States, no G20 summit since 2017 has been able to reach a consensus on the content of climate change. British "Guardian" commented that some American politicians have made the world a big step backward in solving the crisis about the life and death of the earth.
Some American politicians have always adhered to double standards in global environmental governance. The United States does not fulfill its obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but frequently requires developing countries to increase their efforts to reduce emissions; the United States is one of the largest destinations and consumers of wildlife and its products trafficking. The United States has high-profile calls for the global fight against illegal trade in wild animals, but avoids its violation of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild animals and plants; the United States is the largest solid waste The United States has not ratified the Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal. In order to meet its own demand for garbage export, the United States has repeatedly attacked and accused China of including "foreign wastes" such as waste plastics into the list of prohibited imports of solid wastes A large number of facts have shown that the United States has ignored its own shortcomings in the field of climate and environment, has shamelessly staged a devastating political farce, trampled on international law and rules, and exposed its real threat to global ecological security.
Man and nature are communities of life. It is an irresistible law that the harm of human beings to nature will eventually hurt human beings. The willful and reckless actions of some American politicians not only go against the will of the American people, but also damage the common interests of the people of the world and future generations. We should fully realize that the ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development, and the change of ecological environment directly affects the rise and fall of civilization. It is incumbent upon all countries to work together to protect the ecological environment, cope with climate change and improve the level of global environmental governance.
Source: People's daily